FTC Quick Build Steps – Programming

What you’ll need in this room:

  • Programming Laptop
  • Admin access to the above laptop(s)
  • Rev Driver Hub (charged)
  • Rev Control Hub
  • Robot Battery (charged)
  • USB C cable
  • Joystick

Reference Docs


Install / Configure

  • Install/Update Google Chrome on the laptop
  • Install Rev Hardware Client (https://docs.revrobotics.com/rev-hardware-client)
  • Update Rev Client
    • Big Orange “Check for Updates” Button
    • or check under “About” menu
  • Download available image updates
    • Check under “Downloads” meu
    • FTC apps should be at least 10.1 version
  • Update Control Hub
    • Connect Power (charged battery)
    • Connect to laptop with USB cable
    • In Rev Client: Under the “Update” tab for the Control Hub:
      • Update Expansion/Control Hub Firmware if needed (1.8.2 +)
      • Update Control Hub Operating System if needed (1.1.4 +)
      • Update Robot Controller App (10.1 +)
    • In Rev Client: Under the “Program and Manage” tab, click on “Manage”:
      • Set Name: TEAM-RC
      • Set a Password (that you’ll remember – not “password”)
      • Set Wi-Fi Band to “5 GHz”
      • Set Wi-Fi Channel to “Auto”
      • Click the “Apply Wi-Fi Settings” button
  • Update Driver Hub
    • Ensure battery is charged
    • Connect to laptop with USB cable
    • In Rev Client: Under the “Update” tab for the Driver Hub:
      • Update Driver Hub Operating System if needed (1.2.0 +)
      • Update Driver Station App (10.1 +) – should match the Control Hub app version
    • On the Driver Hub:
      • Connect to Wi-Fi with internet if possible and update the device thru the Rev Software Manager app
      • Make sure the date and time are correct
      • Forget the public Wi-Fi connection
      • Open Driver Station app, click 3 dots top right:
        • Set Name: Click Settings–>Driver Station Name (TEAM-DS)
        • Click on Pair with Robot Controller and pair (use wifi password you created earlier)
        • Go back to the main Drive Station app screen
    • Self Inspect (from Driver Hub / Driver Station app):
      • three dots (top right) –> Self Inspect
      • Inspect Driver Station
      • Inspect Robot Controller
      • Ensure everything checks out on both (green board)


  • Create Robot Config
    • Port 0: left_motor
    • Port 1: right_motor
  • Save and activate the config
  • Get connection info: DS Menu (3 dots) –> Program & Manage
  • Connect laptop to Control Hub Wi-Fi using the connection info
  • Connect to programming URL from chrome:
  • Click on Blocks
  • Click on Create New OpMode
  • OpMode Name: pushbot
  • Sample: BasicTankDrive
  • Verify Code:
    • make sure the motors have the names you gave them in Robot Config
  • Click Save OpMode
  • Verify the new pushbot OpMode shows up on the Driver Station app main screen in the TeloOp dropdown
  • BACKUP!!!
    • I can’t stress this enough
    • No, really, do it!
    • Backup methods:
      • In Rev: Backup / Restore tab. This is best – it creates a backup of code/OpModes and robot config.
      • In Program and Manage (over Wi-Fi or in Rev) on he Blocks tab. Only creates a backup of OpModes.


  • Joystick:
    • Connect joystick to left USB port on the Driver Station
    • Make sure it’s listed at the top right under User 1
    • If not click the Start–>A buttons
    • Start-B moves the joystick to User 2
    • When clicking a joystick button it should highlight green on the screen
  • Select the pushbot OpMode from the TeleOp dropdown
  • Click Init
  • Click Play
  • Drive!