FRC Programming and Controls Resources

This page is an evolving resource for FRC programming (especially Java) and controls.

Critical Links

Quick Build Programming Session

Java Learning Resources

Java Presentation

(Presented by Team 3528 at Liberty Robotics Massive Mini on 10/8/2016)

Controls Resources

Cool Editors

Git Version Control

3528 Robot Code

Networking Tips and Troubleshooting

RoboRIO connectivity

  • USB:
  • Wifi or Ethernert (mDNS connecting through the radio): roboRIO-TEAM-FRC.local (ex: ping roboRIO-3528-FRC.local)
  • Ethernet directly into the RoboRIO: self-assigned link-local address (

Common FRC IP Addresses

  • Radio: 10.TE.AM.1
  • RoboRIO Static: 10.TE.AM.2
  • RoboRIO USB:
  • RoboRIO mDNS: roboRIO-####-FRC.local
  • RoboRIO ethernet: DHCP
  • DHCP Range: 10.TE.AM.20 – 199
  • IP Networking at the Event

Command-line network setup (useful for scripting)

(This not as necessary with the RoboRIO since most everything is configured automagically using mDNS.)

Run the following from an admin command prompt:

netsh interface ip set address name="Wireless Network Connection" static <ip address> <netmask> <gateway>


  • <ip address> with your desired ip address (example:
  • <netmask> with your desired netmask (usually:
  • <gateway> with your desired gateway (example:

(You’ll need to modify the ip addresses to use your team number. You may need to change the name of your wireless card as well.)

In times of (network) trouble

  • Make sure mDNS is running
  • Make sure you can ping your router/radio
  • Make sure you can ping roboRIO-TEAM-FRC.local (ex: ping roboRIO-3528-FRC.local)
  • Disable Windows or other installed Firewalls
  • Disable all other network adapters except the one you’re connecting to the robot
  • Switch to a wired connection
  • Try USB

If you get errors deploying code but it works with the firewall off, disable stateful ftp blocking. Run the following in an admin command window:

netsh advfirewall set global StatefulFTP disable

Essential Files / Locations / Settings

(Note: if you’re running 32bit windows, your program files directory is found in “C:\Program Files” instead of “C:\Program Files (x86)”)

RoboRIO Firmware

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\Firmware\cRIO\76F2\

RoboRIO Images

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2020\project\roboRIO Tool\FRC Images\

RoboRIO Imaging Tool

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2019\project\roboRIO Tool

Bridge (radio) Config Utility

C:\Program Files (x86)\FRC Radio Configuration Utility\FRC Radio Configuration Utility.exe

Drive Station Config File

C:\Users\Public\Documents\FRC\FRC DS Data Storage.ini

Setting (in above file) to Launch SmartDashboard

DashboardCmdLine = “C:\\ProgramData\\Oracle\\Java\\javapath\\java.exe -jar C:\\Users\\<your user id>\\wpilib\\tools\\SmartDashboard.jar”

Development Environment

2019: C:\Users\Public\frc2019
2022: C:\Users\Public\wpilib\2022